John Vidovich

John Vidovich is a real estate developer who specializes in land use and development deals involving everything from mobile home parks and large apartment complexes to wine vineyards, pistachio farms and water baron. To read more copy and paste or select. It makes interesting reading.

The Story of How Beverly Hills Billionaire Farmers Stewart and Lynda Resnick Have Privatized California’s Water Supply



15 Comments. Leave new

  • Awful. He must be stopped.

  • Kristy Koberna
    April 23, 2020 8:29 pm

    Thank you for this website. The profile of John Vidovich is horrifying – as is the proposed Dunes project. We HAVE to stop him and it!

  • Mishelle Westendorf
    April 23, 2020 8:43 pm

    We can’t have another RV park here in Half Moon Bay!! We already have 3 within a 8 mile stretch. We purchased here not to live next door to an RV park. The price of our homes reflect that we are an oceanside accessible community. The value’s of our homes, neighborhood will be in jeopardy not to mention the horrible traffic we already have on HWY 1.

  • Jerilyn Pelikan
    April 23, 2020 9:29 pm

    It is crucial to save as much of our natural environment as we can for our children. It is urgent to see that our sense of place is the most important contributor to our well being and the peace and creativity that comes from that.

  • Half Moon Bay is one of the last places that needs more RV Parks and developments. This area is stunning, a respite for the weary and an area of natural beauty for locals, visitors and the natural habitat. Each day I walk along the coastal path counting the bunnies, the birds and the snakes (not that I like those, but it’s their home). To rip more of this natural beauty away from all of us for a few million dollars in pockets of just a few is a devastating blow to the environmental habitat and residents of the area. Our roads are packed, our beaches already full and our local resources can not handle anything more.

    The pandemic we are all encountering has guided us back to the beauty of nature and the simple things in life. A breath of fresh air at the coast, meandering along a nature path and the opportunity to reflect on one’s place in the world has never been more important as it is now. Please think to the future and not the present. Once this beautiful coast is developed you will never get it back.

  • Thank you for sharing this information, John Vidovich and the Resnicks sound like characters straight out of Chinatown – well not in our town, not now and not ever. I am dedicated to conserving the farming and ranching heritage of Half Moon Bay. As a Miramar resident myself, a photographer and filmmaker – I am here to help document and serve any way I can – please be in touch!

  • Rick Southern
    April 23, 2020 10:43 pm

    Mr. Vidovich,
    Please take your development elsewhere. This is our community, not yours. Nobody wants your project. The community is not split. This is nearly unanimous. So please, pack up and leave.

  • No, just no! Not here, not now, not EVER, please! Please leave OUR Dunes Beach alone. Everyone I know is strongly against developing so close to our beautiful, untouched coastline. Once it’s developed, it can never go back to the way it was. Please, just NO!

  • Our community and Highway 1 is already crowded to the maximum. Have you ever driven here during several rush hours during the course of the day? Please leave Dunes Beach as it is. It is a wonderful place for all of us to enjoy. Thank you.

  • Rebecca Ralph
    April 24, 2020 3:37 pm

    This is one of the most beautiful stretches of the Coastside! Please leave it be! Half Moon Bay has such a beautiful mix of agricultural and natural open space — let’s work to preserve that character.

  • Gwendolyn Andary
    April 24, 2020 3:44 pm

    There is no reason there should be another RV park here on the coast. we need LESS traffic and more greenspace. This area was not made for giant parking lots to sit in front of the ocean and fill up with campers! The residents of this wonderful, natural area deserve better than this and the land use should remain open and free of campers and this sort of building.

  • Glenda Mahoney
    April 24, 2020 5:33 pm

    I don’t understand why he would still be interested in building this hotel at all, given the recent changes in the economy. A new hotel would just hurt the ones that are already closed and struggling to survive in town. I have read that before the pandemic, the hotel capacity in Half Moon Bay was more than enough for the amount of visitors we get. I fear that he is trying to take advantage of a crisis and that should not be tolerated by city officials.

  • David Etheridge
    April 24, 2020 6:41 pm

    No RV park! The detriment to the community is so clear, anyone sponsoring this project is knowingly robbing from our shared quality of life to narrowly enrich themselves.

  • The developer has crammed in so many aspects in this design, he is hoping that everyone will focus on the awful ugly RV park, so that they can negotiate that out and everyone will be satisfied. Well guess what? We want more. The people of Half Moon Bay want more nature, less development. Nature once it’s gone, that’s it. Done. You can’t unbuild the hotel. It’s there making money for the owners and the city. Please city council, please preserve this special site. We need this natural site preserved, enhanced for future generations! Covid 19 has shown us that ecology and land preservation, wild animals, air quality is vital to our health and well being. Please let’s learn this lesson. We can do better, we can be better stewards of the land. We can learn that lesson. We can preserve this special area. We can say no. Just try it, right now “no”. The people want to hear it from you. “NO” to hotel, “NO” to RV park, “NO” to parking lot, “NO” to store, “NO” to human impact on nature in this special area.

  • Anne Bauer Wright
    May 12, 2020 9:05 pm

    I grew up in Half Moon Bay, and later lived in many other places, too. No matter where our house was, my husband and I would wish to be back home on the Coastside. When we finally returned, it was astonishing, after just 10 years away (1990 to 2000), to see how much the coast had grown. Some people don’t have this perspective but I think it is important to acknowledge.

    Now, twenty years after our return, I believe we are paying a great price because of the rapid development and heavy tourist traffic. When will the tipping point be reached? The list of new enterprises is long, and the worst one on the list is the ruination of a beautiful beachfront and dunes, called Dunes Beach, now home to endangered species, equestrian facilities and farmland.

    To put an asphalt parking lot for 177 gas-guzzling RVs, a “luxury” hotel, tall buildings blocking views of the ocean, and lights that, at night burn out the stars? It is reprehensible. The uber wealthy developer has a long record of profiteering off the land and water in the valley. How much is enough? He’s used to getting his way and making big money along with it. In Half Moon Bay, we are a community of people who love where we live. We recognize that once the shovel is pushed into the ground, the unique qualities of Dunes Beach will be permanently spoiled.


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